The reorganisation of a textile production facility into a logistics and service centre was studied, focusing on moving the fulfilment from Austria to Hungary. With this, the fulfilment process, for the involved com-panies, can be more efficient in the future. The central problem studied is how to determine objectively if the fulfilment process is working successfully. Within the last decade, the labour costs in Hungary approximately doubled. This generates the necessity to develop the company in Hungary further as Textile production is not anymore considered economically feasible. Using the competencies gathered from production activities and combining them with the fulfilment activities will enable more customizations, and therefore better service for the customers, in the future. Theories of Change Management, and Business Process Re-engineering form a general framework of the project. The Balanced Scorecard Model and theories on Performance Indicator definition are evaluated to define a problem tailored Performance Indicator. As a reference, logistics industry giant Amazon is studied and taken as a base for performance comparison. By the introduction of a Key Performance Indicator, the transfer can be rated objectively. Parallel to the theoretical examination the restructuring is done as a work project. After moving the fulfilment activity, automatically logged timestamps of the shipments are used to calculate performance indicators such as Handling Time and Late Shipment rate. These quantitative results are compared to the chosen references and a Key Performance Indicator is defined. This shows that the shipment activity was success-fully transferred from Austria to Hungary. In the future, continuous improvement measures must be implemented to improve the results further.